Terms and Conditions of the Online Store


§. 1. Preliminary provisions

(1) These Regulations have been drawn up on the basis of the laws of the Republic of Poland. The Rules and Regulations together with the legal regulations govern the use of the yoredo.pl Online Store available at www.yoredo.pl.

(2) The operator of the Online Store yoredo.pl is Medin sp. z o.o. headquartered in Poznań at ul. Limanowskiego 10/10 postal code 60-744, registered in the National Court Register kept by the District Court Poznań Nowe Miasto and Wilda, VIII Economic Department of the National Court Register under the number KRS0000450951, REGON: 302386566, NIP: 7822559286, share capital: PLN 5,000.00.

3 The store can be contacted at ul. Limanowskiego 10/10, 60-744 Poznań, via e-mail to info@medin.pro

(4) The operator of the online store yoredo.pl provides the services listed in these Regulations on the terms and conditions specified herein.

§. 2. Definitions

1. seller, Store – Operator of the online store yoredo.pl, referred to in §.1. paragraph. 1 of the Regulations.

2. customer, buyer – any natural person with full legal capacity, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality, to which the law grants legal capacity.

(3) Entrepreneur – a customer engaged in business activity within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of July 2, 2004. On freedom of economic activity (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2016, item 1829, as amended),

4. consumer – a customer who is a natural person making a legal transaction with an entrepreneur not directly related to his/her economic or professional activity, and a natural person concluding a contract directly related to his/her economic activity, when the content of the contract indicates that it is not of a professional nature for this person, resulting in particular from the subject of his/her business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions of the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity

5. Regulations – these Regulations for the provision of electronic services,

6. working days – days of the week from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

7. Customer Account – a place available to the Store’s Customers after entering their e-mail address and password, allowing m. in. ordering goods, tracking order status, changing and correcting personal information, etc.

8 Cookies – small text files, stored to maintain the Client’s session (after logging in), so that the Client does not have to enter the Client’s name and password on each page, to create viewing statistics, to present online advertisements with content closest to the Client’s interests, and to create online surveys and protect them from multiple voting by the same people. These files do not collect personal data of the Client, do not change the configuration of the Client’s computer, are not used to install or uninstall any computer programs, viruses or trojans, do not interfere with the integrity of the Client’s system or data, are not processed by other Internet services and can be deleted by the Client at any time.

§. 3. Types, conditions and scope of services provided electronically

1. the Seller sells goods through the Internet Store


(2) Services provided electronically under these Regulations consist of enabling the use of the Online Store yoredo.pl for the purpose of concluding a sales contract and its execution and also the provision of the “Newsletter” service.

(3) The seller is obliged to deliver goods without defects.

(4) The “Newsletter” service consists of sending a message containing information on current offers, promotions, discounts and rebates. The service is free of charge, voluntary and requires consent to send commercial information.

(5) The contract for the provision of electronic services is concluded for an indefinite period of time.

(6) After registration, you can place Orders as specified in §. 7.

Customer , who has registered, can place an Order after logging into the Customer Account by providing an e-mail address and password.

8. orders are carried out in the territory of the European Union

§. 4. Terms and conditions for the provision of electronic services

(1) In order to use the services provided under these Terms and Conditions, the Customer shall have:

a. A compatible web browser,

b. Java Script enabled,

c. Cookies enabled,

d. active e-mail address.

2 The Store’s website uses cookies. The customer may agree to enable cookies. Detailed information about the purpose of storing and accessing information via cookies, as well as the possibility for the Client to determine the conditions for storing or accessing the information contained in cookies through the settings of the software installed in the telecommunications terminal equipment used by the Client or the configuration of the service, is provided in the Privacy Policy.

(3) The provision of services specified in the Regulations is conditional on confirmation of familiarization with the provisions of these Regulations.

§. 5. Method of communicating with the consumer

1 The registered office of the Seller is located at ul. Limanowskiego 10/10, 60-744 Poznań

(2) The customer may contact the Seller in particular by e-mail, at the address

(3) Any complaints can be submitted in particular by e-mail to
ll or to the address of the Seller’s registered office.

(4) The address details of the Seller can also be found on the Contact Us page.

§. 6. Registration, terms of conclusion and termination of contracts for the provision of electronic services

1 Registration is free and voluntary. After registration, an individual Customer Account is created.

(2) The customer, in order to register, should complete the registration form.

(3) To register, it is necessary to provide: an active e-mail address and set a password.

(4) During registration it is also possible to provide shipping data. In the case where the form is filled out by the Consumer, these are:

a. name,

b. address of residence (street, building number, apartment number, postal code, city, province, country),

c. email address,

d. phone number,

e. company and Tax Identification Number (NIP) in the case of a business Consumer.

(5) If the registration form is filled out by the Entrepreneur for the shipment of purchased goods must be provided:

a. the company,

b. Tax Identification Number (TIN),

c. address of the registered office (street, building number, premises number, postal code, city, province, country),

d. email address,

e. phone number.

6 After registration, an activation link will be sent to the email address provided. Clicking on the activation link completes the registration process, it is a confirmation of the accuracy of the data provided in the registration form at that moment the contract for the provision of electronic services is concluded. Along with the activation link, the customer will receive a document of these Terms and Conditions as an attachment.

(7) The Seller may refuse to register the Customer if the cases specified in paragraph. 11.

8 The customer may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services at any time.

9. the Seller may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services if the Customer has not been active in the Store, in particular has not placed an order or logged into the Account a within 2 years of the last activity.

(10) Termination of the agreement by either party, as well as its termination by mutual consent, is tantamount to blocking the Customer’s access to the Customer Account and its deletion.

11. the Seller may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services if:

a. the purpose of registration or the manner in which the Customer uses the services is obviously contrary to the principles and purpose of the Store,

b. Customer’s activity is contrary to the applicable moral norms, incites to violence or the commission of a crime, and if it violates the rights of third parties,

c. received official notification of the unlawful nature of the data provided by the Customer or related activities,

d. has obtained credible knowledge of the unlawful nature of the data provided by the Customer or related activity and has previously notified the Customer of its intention to prevent access to the Customer’s Account,

e. The customer is allowed to send unsolicited commercial information,

f. The customer grossly or persistently violates the provisions of the Regulations,

g. address data provided by the Customer raises objectively reasonable doubts as to their correctness or truthfulness, and these doubts could not be removed by telephone contact or e-mail.

(12) By objectively reasonable doubts referred to in paragraph. 11 pt. g. In particular, it should be understood as providing a non-existent locality, providing the name of a non-existent street in a given locality, providing fictional data (e.g., fairy tale characters) as the name of the recipient.

(13) A notice of termination of the agreement for the provision of services by electronic means submitted by the Seller shall be sent to the e-mail address provided in the Customer Account. Termination of the agreement for the provision of electronic services shall result in the permanent deletion of the Customer Account.

(14) The declaration of termination of the contract for the provision of electronic services by the Customer may be submitted by sending its content to the e-mail address provided for contact or by deleting the Customer’s Account.

(15) If the termination was on the part of the Seller re-registration is possible after obtaining his consent.

(16) Termination or termination by mutual consent of the parties of the contract for the provision of electronic services shall not affect the performance of already concluded sales contracts, unless the parties agree otherwise.

17. the termination date of the contract by the Seller in the cases referred to in paragraph. 9 and 11 is 14 days.

§. 7. Terms of sale

1 The seller sells goods presented on the pages of the Online Store yoredo.pl.

(2) The parties to the contract of sale concluded through the Online Store yoredo.pl are: the Seller and the Customer.

(3) The sales contract can be concluded both with a registered customer (having a Customer Account) and with an unregistered customer.

A non-registered customer, in order to conclude a sales contract, must each time:

a. provide an e-mail address and the data referred to in § 6 par. 4 or 5 and

b. read and accept the provisions of the Terms and Conditions.

(4) Information about the goods along with the price presented on the pages of the Store does not constitute an offer within the meaning of Article. 66 § 1 or 543 of the Law of April 23, 1964. Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 1964, No. 16, item 93, as amended; hereinafter: Civil Code). Information about the goods along with the price presented on the pages of the Store is only an invitation to conclude a contract within the meaning of Art. 71 of the Civil Code.

5. the Seller reserves the right to change prices and withdraw individual goods presented on the Store’s website. Price change or withdrawal of goods does not apply to orders accepted for processing.

6 The store conducts retail sales.

(7) The conclusion of the contract of sale is reached by placing an order by the Customer and its acceptance by the Seller, subject to paragraph. 10-12. A detailed description of the procedure for the conclusion of the sales contract is set forth in paragraph. 8-12.

8 Orders made through the website can be placed 24 hours a day throughout the year. Orders placed on business days after hrs. 14:00, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be processed on the next business day. Orders placed by phone are accepted from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Address details for orders placed by phone are available on the website: Contact us.

(9) Placing an order through the website shall constitute an offer to purchase within the meaning of Art. 66 § 1 of the Civil Code, which is binding within 5 working days (after which it expires) and consists of the following actions:

a. to select goods from those presented on the pages of the Store,

b. Add them to your shopping cart,

c. selecting the method of payment and delivery,

d. logging in to the Customer Account in case the order is placed by a registered Customer, unless he/she has logged in before,

e. to fulfill the obligations referred to in paragraph. 3 in case the order is placed by an unregistered customer,

f. Clicking the button “Order with obligation to pay”.

(10) In response to a placed order, the Seller shall, within 5 working days, send an e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the Customer or contact by telephone to:

a. accept the order (offer) – in this case, the sales contract is concluded on the date of the statement,

b. refusal to accept the order (offer) – in this case, the contract is not concluded,

c. proposals for change, the so-called. Counteroffer – in this case, the Customer’s acceptance of the counteroffer is required to conclude the contract.

(11) The reason for the counter-affidavit referred to in paragraph. 10 point c may be, in particular, such circumstances as: lack of goods in the warehouse or suppliers of the Store, etc.

12 The check referred to in paragraph. 10 point c is binding on the Seller for a period of 2 days. After this time, the counteroffer expires. Acceptance of the counteroffer by the customer within the counteroffer’s validity period (2 days) results in the conclusion of the sales contract under the terms and conditions specified in the counteroffer.

(13) All prices presented on the websites of the Store yoredo.pl are given in Polish zloty (PLN) and include VAT. The listed prices do not include shipping costs.

(14) Recording, securing, making available and confirming to the Consumer the material provisions of the sales contract shall be done by sending to the Consumer at the e-mail address provided and by attaching to the consignment containing the goods a printout of the receipt or VAT invoice.

(15) The Seller is not bound by the Code of Good Market Practices referred to in Article 2(5) of the Act of August 23, 2007. on counteracting unfair market practices

§. 8. Method and date of performance and cost of delivery

(1) The seller shall deliver the item in a defect-free condition.

(2) Expected lead time, which, depending on the availability of the goods in question in stock, ranges from 1-2 working days to 4 weeks. The lead time for the entire order is determined by the goods with the longest lead time. The completion date is to be counted from the date of crediting the funds to the Seller’s bank account, and if you choose payment on delivery, from the date of conclusion of the sales contract.

(3) Purchased goods are delivered to the address specified by the customer by a courier company.

(4) There is a possibility of free personal collection of goods from the Seller’s warehouse, on working days from 9:00 to 16:00. Goods in stock will be available from 1-2 business days to 4 weeks. The possibility to pick up the goods, is after prior confirmation by phone or email.

5 The customer is informed about the cost of transportation when placing an order .

6 Delivery of goods is carried out through an external company, and the date of shipment is when all items of the order are completed. The customer is informed of the completion of the order via e-mail on the day of shipment.

(7) If the parcel delivered by the courier company is damaged, the customer should unpack it in the presence of the courier and, if the goods are missing or damaged, write a damage report with him. The damage report will be a facilitator in the investigation of possible claims.

8. yoredo.pl store issues a VAT invoice for the purchased goods. To receive a VAT invoice, the customer should select the appropriate option in the order form.

(9) The customer shall have the right to check, in the presence of the person delivering the goods, whether the goods are in accordance with the order and to draw up an appropriate protocol in the event of non-compliance of the goods with the contract of sale. The vendor will make every effort to keep the lead time as short as possible, but no longer than 4 weeks.

(10) By confirming receipt, the customer obtains ownership of the goods. At the same time, all risks associated with the possession and use of the goods are transferred to him.

§. 9. Method and date of payment

(1) You can pay for purchases in the Store in the following ways:

a. via Payu.pl,

b. On delivery, or cash on delivery.

c. By bank transfer, based on a pro-forma invoice issued by the Seller.

(2) In the case of payments referred to in paragraph. 1(a), the deadline for payment shall be 10 days from the date of conclusion of the sales contract. In the case of payment on delivery, payment should be made on the day of delivery of the goods.

(3) In the case of payment on delivery, the shipment is sent after verification of the correctness of address data.

(4) Regarding payment, the Customer may contact the Seller by e-mail at:

§. 10. Withdrawal from the sales contract

1 In accordance with the Law of May 30, 2014. On consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827, as amended), the customer who is a Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract of sale without giving reasons, within 14 calendar days from the date of delivery of the goods. To meet the deadline it is sufficient to send the statement before the deadline.

(2) Withdrawal shall be made by submitting a statement of withdrawal from the contract. In particular, the statement of withdrawal from the contract may be submitted using the form attached hereto as Appendix No. 1 and sent through any channel of remote communication, among others:

a. by email, to info@medin.pro.

b. In writing, to the address: Medin sp. z o. o. Street. Limanowskiego 10/10 60-744 Poznań.

c. via www.yoredo.pl
(3) The Seller shall immediately send the Consumer a confirmation of receipt of the declaration of intent to withdraw from the contract of sale, to the e-mail address indicated by the Consumer. If a declaration of withdrawal is filed, the contract is considered not concluded.

(4) The consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract without incurring costs, except for the additional costs incurred by the consumer in connection with the choice of a method of delivery of the goods other than the cheapest ordinary method of delivery offered by the Seller and the direct costs of returning the goods (the cost of shipping the goods), the cost of returning the items, if due to their nature the items cannot be returned by mail in the ordinary manner.

(5) The right to withdraw from a distance sales contract referred to in paragraph. 1. is not available to the Consumer with respect to, in particular, contracts:

a. for the provision of services, if the entrepreneur has performed the service in full with the express consent of the consumer, who was informed before the performance, that after the performance by the entrepreneur will lose the right to withdraw from the contract;

b. in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which the trader has no control, and which may occur before the expiration of the deadline for withdrawal;

c. in which the object of performance is a non-refabricated item, produced to the consumer’s specifications or serving to meet his individualized needs;

d. in which the object of performance is an item that is perishable or has a short shelf life;

e. in which the object of the service is an item delivered in a sealed package, which cannot be returned after opening the package for health or hygiene reasons, if the package has been opened after delivery;

f. in which the object of performance is things that, after delivery, due to their nature, become inseparable from other things;

g. in which the subject of performance is sound or visual recordings or computer programs delivered in sealed packaging, if the packaging was opened after delivery;

h. for the supply of digital content that is not recorded on a tangible medium, if the performance has begun with the express consent of the consumer before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal from the contract and after the trader has informed him of the loss of the right of withdrawal.

(6) If the Consumer exercises his right to withdraw from the contract, the Consumer is obliged to return the goods to the Seller immediately, i.e. no later than within no more than 14 (fourteen) days to the address of the Store. The consumer may also return the goods by handing them over to a person authorized by the Seller for collection, observing the aforementioned deadlines. For compliance with the deadline it is sufficient to send back the item before its expiration.

(7) The consumer shall bear the direct costs of returning the goods (shipping costs), bearing in mind to choose such a way that the goods reach the Seller in an undamaged condition.

(8) The consumer shall be liable for any diminution in the value of the thing resulting from use beyond what is necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics and functioning of the thing.

(9) The Seller shall, no later than 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer’s statement of withdrawal from the contract, return to the Consumer all payments made by him, including the cost of delivery of the item, subject to paragraph. 7. The seller shall refund the payment using the same method of payment used by the consumer, unless the consumer has expressly agreed to a different method of refund that does not incur any costs for the consumer.

(10) If the Seller did not offer to collect the item from the Consumer himself, the Seller may withhold reimbursement of payments received from the Consumer until he receives the item back or the Consumer provides proof of its return, whichever event occurs first.

(11) The seller does not accept shipments sent back cash on delivery.

§. 11. Rights and obligations of the parties

(1) The Seller shall make every effort to ensure that the Online Store yoredo.pl and all services made available through it operate continuously without any disruption.

(2) The Seller reserves the right to interfere with the technical structure of the Customer’s Account in order to diagnose irregularities in the functioning of the Store’s services.

(3) The Seller reserves the right to temporarily, but not more than 48 h, disable some of the functionality of the Store in order to improve it, add services or carry out maintenance, with advance notice to customers.

(4) The Customer shall keep confidential and secure the login and password for access to the Customer’s Account in such a way that no unauthorized persons have access to them.

5. the Customer is not allowed to transmit unlawful content using the Store.

§. 12. Data protection

1 The vendor collects only those data that are necessary for the proper provision of the services offered.

(2) The Customer’s personal data may be transferred to third parties only for the purpose and to the extent necessary for the proper implementation of the services provided under the Regulations, in particular to courier companies for the delivery of goods or payment system operators.

(3) Provided that the Customer agrees, the e-mail address provided when subscribing to the newsletter will be used for marketing of yoredo.pl’s own products Consent to subscription may be withdrawn at any time, in accordance with paragraph. 8.

4. the Customers’ personal database is subject to legal protection. This data is especially protected and secured from unauthorized access.

(5) The administrator of personal data is the Operator of the online store yoredo.pl, referred to in §. 1. paragraph. 1 of the Regulations, which performs the processing of Customers’ personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016. on the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (RODO), and the Law of May 10, 2018. On data protection.

(6) The detailed conditions for the processing of personal data are contained in the Seller’s Privacy Policy available at www.yoredo.pl.

7 The Seller shall not be responsible for the authenticity of information and data provided by Customers or information about Customers provided to other Customers. The vendor points out that there is no way to verify them as to their accuracy.

§. 13. Seller’s liability, Complaints

  1. The seller is responsible for the conformity of the purchased goods with the sales contract.
  2. The detailed scope of the Seller’s liability for non-conformity of goods with the contract in relation to Customers who are not Consumers is regulated in the Third Book, Title XI, Part II of the Act of April 23, 1964. (Journal of Laws 2020, item 1740, as amended).
  3. The detailed scope of the Seller’s liability for non-compliance of goods with the contract with respect to Customers who are Consumers is regulated in the Law of May 30, 2014. On consumer rights (Journal of Laws 2021 item 2105, as amended).
  4. The customer has the right to file a complaint regarding both the performance of the sales contract and the performance of the contract for the provision of electronic services. In the event of non-conformity of the sold thing with the contract, the Seller shall bear the liability specified in the above provisions.
  5. A claim should, although not a requirement for processing a complaint, be submitted on a form filled out legibly and containing:

a. name,

b. order number

c. description of non-conformity of goods with the contract,

d. date of purchase,

e. damage report,

f. pictures of damage to goods.

  1. In the event of any deficiencies in the complaint that make it impossible to process it, the Seller will immediately notify the need to supplement it.
  2. Compliance with the mouth. 5 will facilitate and allow for more efficient processing of complaints.
  3. Complaints can be submitted by e-mail at: info@medin.pro and also in writing to the Seller’s registered address.
  4. The request will be answered within 14 days. In the event of failure to respond to the complaint submitted by the Consumer within the above period, the complaint shall be deemed accepted. In the event of failure to respond within the above period to the complaint of Customers who are not Consumers, the complaint is considered unaccepted.
  5. The seller does not provide guarantees or assurances of the quality of the goods sold except as described in this paragraph or under generally applicable law.

§. 14. Final provisions

(1) In matters not covered by these Regulations, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply.

(2) Customers may access the Terms and Conditions at any time, through the link provided in the footer on the Store’s home page, and download and print them.

(3) In the event of a dispute arising in connection with the performance of a contract entered into under the Regulations, the parties may attempt to resolve it amicably acting in good faith. In the case of disputes with a Consumer, it is possible to settle disputes out of court, handle complaints and pursue claims in accordance with the procedure developed by the European Commission through the platform located at: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show

(4) If it is not possible to reach an agreement in the manner indicated in paragraph. 2. The court with jurisdiction over the dispute will be the court with jurisdiction over the registered office of the Seller. The preceding sentence does not apply to disputes to which the Consumer is a party.

(5) The Seller shall notify registered Customers of any change to the Terms and Conditions by e-mail with the right to terminate the contract within 14 days. Amendments to the Regulations shall become effective upon the expiration of the notice period. Orders placed before the effective date of changes to the Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Terms and Conditions as in effect at the time of the order shall apply.

6 The Regulations are effective as of 01.12.2022.


(This form must be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

– Addressee [here the entrepreneur should enter the name of the entrepreneur, the full address

postal and, if available, fax number and e-mail address]

– I/We(*) hereby inform(*) of my/our withdrawal from the contract

sale of the following things(*) supply contract of the following things(*) work contract

involving the performance of the following items(*)/provision of the following service(*).

– Date of contract(*)/acceptance(*)

– Name of consumer(s)

– Address of the consumer(s)

– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if the form is sent on paper)

– Date

(*) Delete as necessary.